'Sound off' lets you speak your mind anonymously
The feature, which is published Saturdays and Mondays, allows people to express their opinions without having to sign their names to a letter. In fact, they don’t even have to identify themselves. Participants call in to our Sound Off line (248-745-4646) and need only leave their home town.
The policy is diametrically opposite of what we require from those who wish to have letters to the editor published. These individuals must supply us with their name, specific home town address and their phone numbers. We only run their name and home town but we need the other information for our records. We also call to confirm that an individual did write a specific letter.
Sound off callers, on the other hand, don’t provide us with much information and we don’t check on the call. However, at this point, I must stress that we do edit extensively the calls that come in to Sound Off. We have to because too many are libelous and just plain hateful.
Are we being hypocritical for requiring so much identification for letters and hardly anything for calls? After all, everything is basically an opinion.
Well, let’s look at the balance sheet.
Sound Off provides people who are afraid to identify themselves with a way to express their opinions. However, there’s no guarantee that their phone message will get printed and, as I’ve mentioned, the items left on the recorder are heavily edited for libel and just plain decency.
On the other hand, we do try to publish every letter we receive.
In both cases — Sound Off or letters to the editor — items can express an opinion but must be factually accurate.
Certainly, letters that are signed and get published give their authors more creditability than just an anonymous message. It takes courage to express your opinion and then back it up by signing your name to it.
Of course, everyone is entitled to his or her opinion and as part of a newspaper, The Oakland Press Opinion Page tries to serve as a medium for this purpose.
With these two outlets, practically everyone has a chance to express their views.
So is this policy fair? Or should we require Sound Off callers to leave their name and a return phone number?
You tell me.
Everyone that voted for our new governor should have no complaints about what he is trying to do at the expense of the senior citizens and not so rich people. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It is nice that people can become rich, but there is a limit to how much more we seniors and what used to be middle class (now lower class) people can tolerate. Give us a break and let us at least make ends meet. I am newly retired and it isn't so easy with all the increases on our income that we have had. What we need to stop are the golden parachutes of healthcare and benefits our legislaters are getting when we can barely get by paying our own medical insurance. Maybe I should have run for office and retired with the benefits they get. Let's stick together and help each other. US Congress needs to grow up and stop fighting among each other. Nothing will ever get done. At least it hasn't been four more years of the Bush era. He put us in enough of a mess that Obama has to clean up. Stop acting like children and get something done. My grandkids don't fight like that.
Someone from wixom stated,"That Rep.Gary Peters is nothing is nothing more then a radical left-wing liberal. Then it is apparent that you are nothing more then a Republican who is a radical right-wing conserative
Tired of Blaming the teachers.
It seems that everyone is so easlily blaming the teachers for the problems in school districts when they over look who really gets paid the most in every school district, the administrators. They continually make at least 6 figure saliarys plus perks and then turn the tides of the teaching ranks they most likely came from on their way up. The public only looks at the teacher as a, off during the summer, making all kinds of dough worker and union at that. Did the public ever consider that some of the teachers job doesnt end at 3:30 when school lets out? And that due to budget issues, they work unpaid, correcting papers or getting next weeks lesson plans finished? Not to mention that most teachers today have to pay out of there own pocket to attend classes to keep there teaching certificate? And that there pay is for 9 months of the year? this can be changed to 12 months but it is the same amount of your saliary, so less every week than at the 9 month level. Plus teachers are responsable for our children to be successful and that includes the parents help at home, yes you have a vested intrest as well in all of this as a parent. Its funny, in one close by district they will have a projected short fall of 3.5 million dollars and are asking the teachers to pony up 10% of there pay retroactive, which means to pay back to the date the current contract ended? also that same district just did renovations to the tune of 3.5 million, hummm I've heard that number somewhere before. With all the cuts everywhere to run a little leaner through the tough time the last thing schools should be doing is renovating then blaming someone else for the administrations fat spending habits. Then putting it out in the public eye as not their fault but the teachers. I'm not saying that all union bargining is a perfect situation with perfect outcomes with both partys, but the bottom line it has to be approved by both sides then approved by the superintendant. The sad part is the public goes along with it because they have never really known or were friends with a teacher. As with any company the one who has the most to do with how your business succeeds or fails is with the board and the CEO (superintendant)so why blame the teachers? Your board approved the pay and it was backed by the superintendant, now there saying its all the teachers fault. Open your eyes people! you should be mad at this situation we are in, but you are blaming the wrong group. The schools shouldnt spend more that there taking in period. The problem is how do you control that which has got out of control? You have to start at the top and work your way down.
Its the school boards (state as well as local)that make the decisions, all the teachers do is carry out the mandates. The real problem is that the boards, making these ridiculous decisions WASTE time and most importantly money, NEVER EVER lose any salary or benefits. The only ones that feel the pinch are the teachers. The ONLY one that suffer throughout their lives are the children, because there are being cheated of a good education. I say let the teachers run the schools and disband all of the school boards, they are a waste of good tax payer money.
Waterfords stuporvisor (sic)Carl Solden will soon be a 'double-dipper':one who receives TWO pensions from the same entity. He is a leach on our community with the blessing of the Board. Corrupt all.
Why are some of our taxes going to support Planned Parenthood? They make most of their money killing unborn babies.I can just see where someone says to a neighbor,What do you do for a living? the person answers,I kill the innocent for a living. If I were to say that I would be arrested.Where is the Justice for the innocent lives that are taken everyday? Even the Supreme Court approved this.Talk about Justice being blind.Shame on those who allowed this travesty of Justice.You can't wash the blood from your hands.
To anyone who dislikes Mallard Filmore.Just because it's there doesn't mean that you have to read it.For every opinion that is posted you know others will disagree with it.I haven't any use for planned parenthood.I know that others will disagree with me.That doesn't make me wrong nor does it make you right. There are many more people who agree with me then there are who agree with you.Taking the life of a innocent baby will always be wrong.I think that some children know that their life isn't important.
Governor Snyder wants tighter restrictions in order for a teacher to be accredited.How about tighter restictions for a Governor who has shown that he is capable of looking out for all the people,not just the wealthly. Being a businessman isn't proof that one is capable of being a Governor. This can be applied to our legislators also. It can be used for our local mayors and others.The poor oil companies who make billions can't afford to be taxed and others like them. Cry Me a River.
You want the taxpayers to pay more so they can continue to live lavishly.At the same time you export our jobs to places like China where people work for very little.Governor you are as guilty as the rest.The only people you look out for is millionaires like yourself.
Why are we subsidizing Planned Parenthood?I don't want to pay for someone to have an abortion. they make enough money from their abortion clinics to support themselves.Also Exxon profits were $11 billion.A 69%
increase from a year ago and the government subsides them with $4 billion and they pay no taxes.Does anyone find this crazy besides myself? Oil companies make billions each quarter. Cut the subsides now and they can afford to pay taxes.Then the Republicans won't have an excuse to privatize Medicare.
privatize Medicare.Republican motto is privatize everything so the wealthy can have more.Remember who pays for their re-eection, the wealthy.
Wow,what a deal for corpate America.A flat tax of 6% for business.Now you want to tax those on pensions to help pay for their tax breaks. You forgot to mention how much pensioners will pay in taxes and that will be a fixed rate? Where else is this money coming from? Your going to tax everyone else to help out business.Rep.Tim Milton has said,
more then $700 million will be taken away from the School Aid Fund with no replacement.No wonder you call yourself a Nerd.If the shoe fits wear it.My opinion says it does.
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