Blogs > Life's Phases

Our lives are composed of a series of phases. They vary with the individual but usually involve childhood, high school, college for some and then a number of career changes. So, let's talk about life in this blog, it's a wide open subject!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Editorial ideas take some time and thought

There is a thought process to selecting topics for editorials. We don’t just sit around and say "let’s do an editorial on (you fill in the blank)."

No, we actually analyze what’s going on in the news and try to decide if a issue or topic warrants an editorial.

It’s similar to selecting stories for the news sections of the paper.
One of the first criteria is to keep the editorial local. We want to write about something that is happening in Oakland County or that might affect local residents. So, we could take a stand on a local millage issue or give some insight on a brewing controversy. The topic could concern the budget, a public safety regulation or, most often, it’s a political debate among two local leaders whose philosophies of governing differ.

Sometimes we’ll talk about a state and national issue but of course, it would be one that affects Oakland County residents — such as President Obama’s health care bill, continuation of the Bush tax cuts or state legislation dealing with roads. The topics can be numerous.

After establishing the local angle, we have to decide if there’s something we can say about it that would enlighten the public or prompt further discussion. For example, every community and school district has councils and boards that pass yearly budgets. Editorializing about each budget would be boring and frankly, impossible.

However, if that budget is passed with some dissension or disagreement over what should be included in it, then an editorial might be in order. Obviously, each incident would have to be reviewed for its potential significance and effect on the citizens and if an editorial would help, hurt or do nothing.

Many times it’s a judgment call as to what to write about.

Editorials can be informative, stir debate or just give some praise. One important fact about The Oakland Press editorials, they don’t always have to be negative or critical. Upbeat editorials provide a refreshing change from the gloom and doom of our economy and The Oakland Press has been running more and more of them.

Take a look at the newspaper and if you have any suggestions for editorials, let me know — either through this blog or by e-mailing me at


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you do a editorial on the way troy is passing ordnance like the distracted driver law and changing the way the building department works to make up for lost tax revenue.

December 17, 2010 at 7:57 PM 

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