Town hall meetings take planning and legwork
You can’t just pick a date and expect people to show up. There’s considering planning and legwork involved.
For example, I’m currently trying to set up a town hall meeting or forum in Troy to discuss the controversial library issue. Voters turned down four millage proposal in November concerning the library and so now the facility is scheduled to close April 30.
In some respects, the issue may seem over but there’s a pending new citizen-initiated petition to force the city to keep its doors open reportedly in the works. Also, groups who supported the library proposals and who want to see the city keep open such a facility could always start drives for new election or elections.
Libraries are a critical part of a community and so it would seem likely the issue isn’t going to die.
A possible date for the forum has been set for next Tuesday, Dec. 14 but I’m currently trying to line up participates to discuss the topic. It would have a question and answer type format that would include discussion of the current petition drive, what the Friends of the Library or other groups would like to see happen or are trying to make happen.
Consequently, the whole effort involves scheduling and rechecks, contacting and recontacting potential participants and then figuring out exactly what format will be used and how to find an audience of about 30 people that isn’t one sided.
As in any good journalism effort, the newspaper wants to stay impartial and involve all sides of the issue.
Because of the effort involved, there’s a chance the forum may have to be postponed if not enough participants can be lined up.
The town hall forum is a great idea but, as with all great ideas, it takes planning, legwork and considerable effort to make them a reality. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t. I’ll keep you informed on the progress of this project.
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