$4 a gallon gas has readers fuming
The sticker shock at the pump has many average income citizens reeling — the prices are just horribly high for most drivers.
Those writing letters to the editor aren’t afraid to say that and they are also questioning some of the reasons oil industry experts are using to justify the rapid increases.
Logic does make you wonder if the oil companies are trying to cover up what many readers see as the real reason for the hikes — greed?
There is justification for such skepticism. One of the many excuses given for the price increases is the rising cost of a barrel of oil. But often the cost of a barrel of oil and the price at the pump don’t coordinate very well. For example, when the barrel price rises a dollar or two, that same day the pump cost can jump as much as 10 or 20 cents. However, when the barrel price plummets — such as it did recently, going down $10 to $12 a barrel — the per gallon price didn't move.
To some, it seems the oil companies are defying that old physics theory of what goes up, must come down.
Although angry, consumers are stuck with buying gasoline for their vehicles. Alternative modes of transportation, such as the electric car, are too expensive for most people. Sure, there’s also bicycles and other vehicles but nothing has been developed yet that is as efficient as the internal combustion engine.
What is particularly galling to many readers is that when the experts don’t have the price of a barrel of oil to blame, they seem to find a myriad of other excuses. A potential, not real hurricane in the gulf; the unstable political conditions in the Middle East; the list goes on.
Many readers seem to want to scream “stop, just tell the truth, oil company executives want to throw a party in Cancun and so they need some extra cash.”
Average citizens, of course, don't know exactly why gas prices rise, they just see the results in what they pay at the pump. And the media is only as good as it sources. In this case, the oil experts.
The free enterprise system has made America great and no doubt will help us prosper in the future. But when it comes to the price of gasoline, many people are wondering what really is at work here. Is it the basic law of “supply and demand” or is the more selfish rule of “greed and gouge?”
What do you think?
I think it's pretty darn obvious what's going on here...most of your congressmen get a LOT of money from big oil...either they own stock or take campaign contributions or both...so they know that no matter what people scream about the price of gasoline, they've got our reps in Washington in their back pocket.
For well over thirty years, our so called leaders in Washington have had the opportunity to fix our problem of dependence on foreign oil. And for well over thirty years, the only time it gets any attention is when the price of oil soars.
Washington is typically absent on all important issues that should be solved before they turn into a crisis. Social Security and Medicare are facing solvency issues, but do the people we elect to fix things before they become a crisis actually do the job we elect them to do? NO.
It is time to hold ALL of our elected representatives accountable. After all, it seems that they have no problem holding us hostage for the status quo.
There are a lot of us who can't afford to pay $4.oo and up for a gallon of gas. Most only fill the gas tank halfway. Big Oil could care less about the hardship they put on people. All they think about are themselves. Greed only gives way to more greed.Their like little children whose only thoughts are Me,Me,Me.The problem is that none of you are children. Grow up,don't you think that it's time that you gave thoughts to others? Your millionaires and billionaires and I'm sick and tired of hearing on the news that the price of gas will be going up by summer. It's a holiday lets raise the price so we can earn more. The skys the limit. You always have some poor excuse to raise prices.No one gets a raise to offset the price of driving to work.Even carpooling does little to help and there are few intercity buses and the fares aren't cheap.Someone made the stupid statement,that big oil needs the government subsidizes or the cost will be passed to the people.Who are you trying to fool? We already pay the cost of your greed.All costs are passed onto the people.How about the poor who heat with oil in the winter?Their cost is going up. Does Big oil care? No you don't because your to busy thinking about yourself. One of these days the government is going to reclaim the oil on land and sea.That won't hurt you because you have got yours,so who cares?
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